In Memory of



Obituary for Sybil Dadson

Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

On behalf of MOM’S KIDS Penny, Dana Kathy, Sandy, Erin, Patrick and our families we would like to express our deep appreciation for you to come and share a few moments with us.
Mom was born in Galetta Ontario to William Poker Bill and Daisy Swyshuk. They moved to Flin Flon in 1936 where grandpa worked as a miner for Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company. Mom attended school in Flin Flon…In her teenage years she and her sisters worked at the Rex Theatre on Main Street for Saul Nathason. It was during this time she met a black curly haired Bomber, Corky Dadson. Mom couldn’t believe this handsome guy was interested in her. On September 12, 1953 they were married and started married life with a cold canoe trip down Little Athapap to the Dadson Camp…little did she know how important this place would become for her family. Mom loved to socialize with her friends Johnnnie and Norma Sattelmeyer, JoAnne Reese, Paul and Ruby Flock, Buddy McDonald and Jule Hampson to name just a few… Mom told us few stories such as how Jule Hampson and her would sneak cigarettes and beer from home and sit under the hundred stairs being the cool girls. She told of the story of how Jule was able to get tickets to go see ELVIS and gramma told mom good girls don’t do that rock and roll thing,,, Mom said “LOOK WHAT ELVIS MISSED OUT ON!!!
Married life was great for mom in the honeymoon stage she got up early every morning to make dad breakfast for dad…he said she didn’t have to do that…so she didn’t!! The early married life brought six kids very quickly and one late comer…I think she said the first 15 years of marriage she had one or two at least of kids in diapers and they were the old cloth style no pampers…As kid we recall MOM teaching us many life lessons set the table for breakfast, lunch, supper and bed lunch everyday, she ensured we all had our favorite bowl and cutlery too… supper was always meat potatoes and vegetables and maybe dads favorite dessert bread and gravy…a treat some of us still like to this day…. Mom also instilled good manners respect for others…
Not many moms with six young kids went out in the middle of the bush no running water, electricity, no transportation, all summer our mom did this because it was dads love and for us kids a life time of great times and memories…
Mom enjoyed bowling, Elks activities travelling, music concerts and the casino…
Mom was a hit on Queen Street as she was probably one of the only Moms that played with the kids on the street especially skipping, double dutch with the kids from the neighbourhood.
Mom had challenges in her life like many and found tremendous strength in the SERENITY OF A HIGHER POWER…
This strength was tested to the max when her son GORD passed away suddenly in 2003…it was in this time she gained even more strength in the power of GOD
GOOD ORDERLY DIRECTION and daily prayers and meditation…she also enhanced here physical and mental health through exercise and healthy eating…she always told us kids in times of challenges to say your prayers, turn it over and you just have to ask once… and she was as usual right.
Mom was one of a kind..she had a sense of style…and was often complimented on her attire on many occasions and when told how beautiful she looked she would reply I KNOW and laugh and was a bit upset when someone tried to copy her fashion we told her she was a trend setter and should be proud to inspire others and the helped her shop more…
Our entire childhood included animals of some kind but mainly cats…mom love them and they gave her years of comfort and entertainment. Not many cats enjoyed car rides in the Red Cougar but hers did. Mom loved the SPCA and their work within our communities and did what she could to support them to help those that need the help.
To say mom loved the old JOHNNIES would be an understatement not many went for morning afternoon and late evening coffee till closing time she enjoyed the conversation the and the friends there even she had her own PERCH
Mom loved to share her over the top jokes and comments just to get a rise out of people.
She continued coffee time until very recently at McDonalds even though she never really cared for coffee it was about the company, and the laughs.
Hockey was a big part of MOM she loved the Bombers and watching the NHL on TV but nothing could compete with Alex Ovechkin…OMG she knew everything about him and we lost count of how many times she took pictures of him playing on tv with her phone and texting them to the girls…You just mentioned his name and her face glowed.
Mom found a niche with her friend Ethel Killick in volunteering with the Pallative Care Team sitting with many folks to give family member relief in their loved ones final days.
The past year and a half has not been so kind to mom and she stood strong seldom telling us what was going on… Mom was able to stay in her own home and remained sharp as a cat … thanks Al and Mary Haggarty who for decades were there for our family in the darkest times and happiest of times Mom loved the Haggerdiddies and we can never thank them enough…Moms personal and health needs were taken care of by her kids in each of their own ways but Erin and Penny were always at Mons call at the drop of a dime and we know it was of great comfort to Mom not to call on others…the medical staff at the FFGH and EMT s were exception and cared for mom on her visits like a Queen we are so thankful…
Early Monday September 11 MOM could hear the blue birds and Gord calling for her. She went peacefully and quietly knowing how much she meant to each of us and how much she raised us up in our lives. We know Mom is happy and her work her with us was complete…Mom will always be with us though our lives journeys till we meet again